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Macam – macam Pencemaran Lingkungan
Berdasarkan lingkungan yang mengalami pencemaran, secara garis besar pencemaran lingkungan dapat dikelompokkan menjadi pencemaran air, tanah, dan udara.

Polusi atau pencemaran lingkungan adalah masuknya atau dimasukkannya makluk hidup, zat energi, dan atau komponen lain ke dalam lngkungan atau berubahnya tatanan lingkungan oleh kegiatan manusia atau oleh proses alam sehingga kualitas lingkungan turun sampai ke tingkat tertentu yang menyebabkan lingkungan menjadi kurang atau tidak dapat berfingsi lagi sesuai dengan peruntukannya (UU Pokok Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup No. 4 Tahun 1982).
Pencemaran Air
Pencemaran air adalah suatu perubahan keadaan di suatu tempat penampungan air seperti danau, sungai, lautan dan air tanah akibat aktivitas manusia. Walaupun fenomena alam seperti gunung berapi, badai, gempa bumi juga mengakibatkan perubahan yang besar terhadap kualitas air, hal ini tidak dianggap sebagai pencemaran. Pencemaran air dapat disebabkan oleh berbagai hal dan memiliki karakteristik yang berbeda-beda. Meningkatnya kandungan nutrien dapat mengarah pada eutrofikasi.

A.Pengertian Ekosistem
Ekosistem adalah suatu sistem ekologi yang terbentuk oleh hubungan timbal balik antara makhluk hidup dengan lingkungannya. Ekosistem bisa dikatakan juga suatu tatanan kesatuan secara utuh dan menyeluruh antara segenap unsur lingkungan hidup yang saling mempengaruhi.
(Sumber :

Pencemaran Air Sungai

Jenis pencemar yang terdapat pada air :
1. Berasal dari Industri antara lain :
* Bahan-bahan anorganik dan logam berat
* Zat-zat Pewarna
* Bahan-bahan organik

Pengaruh Pencemaran Air

Diantara sekian banyak bahan pencemar air ada yang beracun dan berbahaya dan dapat menyebabkan kematian. Telah anda pelajari bahwa bahan pencemar air antara lain ada yang berupa logam-logam berat seperti arsen (As), kadmium (Cd), berilium (Be), Boron (B), tembaga (Cu), fluor (F), timbal (Pb), air raksa (Hg), selenium (Se), seng (Zn), ada yang berupa oksida-oksida karbon (CO dan CO2), oksida­oksida nitrogen (NO dan NO2), oksida-oksida belerang(SO2 dan SO3), H2S, asam sianida (HCN), senyawa/ion klorida,

Pencemaran udara

Tulisan ini mengetengahkan sekilas pandang mengenai pencemaran udara. pengertian, pengaruhnya terhadap kualitas lingkungan dan kesehatan manusia serta teknologi terbaru untuk menguranginya. Semakin pesatnya kemajuan ekonomi mendorong semakin bertambahnya kebutuhan akan transportasi, dilain sisi lingkungan alam yang mendukung hajat hidup manusia semakin terancam kualitasnya, efek negatif pencemaran udara kepada kehidupan manusia kian hari kian bertambah.

Pengaruh Pencemaran Udara Terhadap Tubuh Manusia
Pencemaran udara dapat merugikan kesehatan manusia manusia.
Sebagai Contoh :
1. Mata

Menyebabkan mata berair dan pedih Bila senyawa tersebut terdapat dalam jumlah banyak, penglihatan menjadi kabur.

Efek Dari Rumah Kaca

Istilah Efek Rumah Kaca (green house effect) berasal dari pengalaman para petani di daerah iklim sedang yang menanam sayur-mayur dan bunga-bungaan di dalam rumah kaca. Yang terjadi dengan rumah kaca ini, cahaya matahari menembus kaca dan dipantulkan kembali oleh benda-benda dalam ruangan rumah kaca sebagai gelombang panas yang berupa sinar infra merah. Namun gelombang panas itu terperangkap di dalam ruangan kaca serta tidak bercampur dengan udara dingin di luarnya. Akibatnya, suhu di dalam rumah kaca lebih

Penyebab Kangker Paru
Bagi Masyarakat yang tinggal di daerah atau kota-kota dengan tingkat polusi udara yang tinggi, diminta untuk lebih waspada. Pasalnya, polusi udara termasuk asap rokok ditengarai menjadi penyebab utama kanker paru-paru. "Kanker paru adalah salah satu jenis penyakit kanker yang jumlah penderitanya terus meningkat
Pencemaran Tanah
Pencemaran tanah adalah keadaan di mana bahan kimia buatan manusia masuk dan merubah lingkungan tanah alami. Pencemaran ini biasanya terjadi karena: kebocoran limbah cair atau bahan kimia industri atau fasilitas komersial, penggunaan pestisida, masuknya air permukaan tanah tercemar ke dalam lapisan sub-permukaan, zat kimia, atau limbah. air limbah dari tempat penimbunan sampah serta limbah industri yang langsung dibuang ke tanah secara tidak memenuhi syarat
Jenis Limbah yang menyebabkan Pencemaran Tanah
Jenis Limbah yang menyebabkan Pencemaran Tanah
Pencemaran tanah berawal dari limbah domestik, limbah industri, dan limbah pertanian .
Limabah Domestik
Limbah domestik dapat berasal dari daerah pemukiman penduduk. perdagang-an, pasar, tempat usaha hotel dan lain-lain

Cara untuk Menangani Pencemaran Tanah
Limbah domestik dalam jumlah besar memerlukan penanganan khusus agar tidak mencemari tanah. Kita bisa pisahkan sampah yang dapat di uraikan mikroorganisme dan sampah yang tidak bisa di uraikan mikroorganisme. Maka bijaklah kita yang memisahkan sampah organik dan anorganik.

Hujan asam terbentuk jika belerang dioksida (SO2) dan nitrogen oksida (NO) dan gas lain dari pabrik atau kendaraan bermotor bercampur dengan air di udara menghasilkan asam. Asam dalam awan terbawa angin hingga ribuan kilometer. Ketika hujan turun dari awan, asam tersebut turut jatuh ke bumi. Inilah yang dinamakan hujan asam. Hujan asam berbahaya bagi manusia, lingkungan, dan makhluk hidup lainnya. Hujan asam pernah membuat ikan di danau Amerika Utara mati. Hujan asam juga dapat merusak bangunan yang terbuat dari logam, misalnya jembatan..

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Artikel : Jadilah Sahabat Bumi

Apakah kita pernah tersadar dimanakah kita sekarang ini? Kita sebagai manusia hidup di Bumi mulai dari lahir, kecil, beranjak dewasa, sampai kita meninggal. Kita sangat berhutang budi pada Bumi, planet tempat tinggal kita yang tercinta ini.

Tetapi, berapa banyak kita telah mengotori Bumi, merusak Bumi, dan membuat Bumi ini menjadi tidak indah lagi? Kadang-kadang kita tidak sadar bahwa perbuatan kita sangat merusak Bumi dan terkesan tidak berterima kasih pada Bumi yang telah berjasa banyak pada Bumi.

Oleh karena itu, kita harus mulai mengubah hidup kita agar perbuatan kita ini tidak lagi merusak Bumi. Tentunya kita adalah manusia yang tidak dapat melakukan semua hal. Jadi, kita cukup melakukan perbuatan yang dapat kita lakukan dan tidak perlu memaksakan diri. Jika kita hanya dapat berbuat hal-hal yang sederhana, ya kita lakukan hal sederhana tersebut. Jangan hanya karena hal sederhana yang bis kita lakukan, kita malu untuk melakukannya sehingga kita tidak melakukan apa-apa. Tetapi juga kita harus mengembangkan diri supaya bisa melakukan hal yang lebih besar lagi. Yang terpenting adalah niat dan keikhlasan.

Hal-hal kecil yang dapat kita lakukan misalnya adalah membuang sampah pada tempatnya, melakukan penghematan listrik, menghemat Bahan Bakar Minyak dan masih banyak lagi.

Mungkin kita sudah bosan dengan kata-kata “Buanglah Sampah Pada Tempatnya”. Kita mendengar kata-kata itu sejak kita kecil sampai dewasa. Tetapi apakah kita sudah melakukan hal yang kita anggap sederhana tersebut? Mungkin ya, mungkin tidak. Kadang-kadang untuk sampah yang besar kita ingat, tetapi jika sampahnya kecil seperti sobekan kertas, plastik, atau bungkus snack, kita membuangnya begirtu saja. Jika kita ada di kelas, maka kita taruh sampah tersebut dikolong meja. jika ada diangkot maka ditaruh dibawah tempat duduk.

Hal itu tidak hanya dilakukan oleh anak-anak, tetapi juga oleh orang dewasa. Itu menandakan bahwa yang terpenting adalah kesadaran diri. Usia tidak berpengaruh pada sikap seseorang. Yang paling berpengaruh adalah kesadaran. Itu yang paling penting. Begitu juga dengan penggunaan listrik dan air. Kita selalu menganggap bahwa lebih banyak orang yang menggunakan air lebih banyak dari diri kita sendiri sehingga kita berpikir kalaupun kita menghemat, tetap saja tidak akan berguna. Itu adalah pemikiran yang salah. Jika semua orang berfikir itu, maka tidak akan ada yang berhemat bukan? Kita harus menanamkan pikiran segala sesuatu hal yang baik itu harus dimulai dari diri kita sendiri. Jangan menunggu orang lain untuik berbuat hal kebaikan.

Oleh karena itu, maka untuk menjaga lingkungan kita ini, lingkungan Bumi kita yang tercinta ini, lakukanlah suatu hal yang kecil karena sesuatu yang besar itu tidak ada sebelum ada hal yang kecil. Jika hal kecil itu dilakukan oleh banyak orang, maka hal kecil itu akan menjadi hal yang besar. Jika seribu orang membuang sampah pada tempatnya dan menjaga kebersihan, maka daerah tersebut akan menjadi bersih. Tetapi jika seribu orang membuang sampah sembarangan, maka tentunya daerah itu akan sangat kotor sekali.

Jadi, janganlah pernah meremehkan hal-hal kecil seperti menghemat listrik, menghemat air, menghemat BBM, atau membuang sampah pada tempatnya. Lakukan mulai dari diri sendiri lalu tularkanlah pada orang-orang disekitar anda. Jadilha sahabat Bumi dan cintailah Bumi ini. Semoga jika kita telah melakukan hal terbaik yang bisa kita lakukan, Bumi ini kembali indah, sejuk, segar dan udaranya nyaman sehingga ita semakin senang hidup di Bumi ini. JADILAH SAHABAT BUMI!

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Lipsing Together

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Lipsing Together

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Love Story

Dilemma love

Sunny morning. Digital clock on my hands shows six-thirty in the morning, I stopped the car in front of a house painted purple. I pressed the play button on my car tape. Instantly song by Deep Purple Love Dilemma sounded serene. I honked car. Not long later a high school girl by wearing clothes out of the house carrying a briefcase walked, entered my car. "Morning!" I said, turning to a sweet girl who sat next to me. "Morning!" he replied with a little smile that had given to me. "Elo why? Abis cry?" I asked when I saw her eyes swollen. "Yeah. Semalem, my parents fight again, tomorrow the courts will finish with my parents divorce," she replied with a tone of annoyance. I sighed, "The patient ya! I will always be in deket lo, lo not worry." I said. "Thanks," he said simply. His name is Marsha. Princess Marsha Napasha. She was a beautiful girl, nice and cute. I've long friendship with Marsha really. Since, I was a kid until now I tetep Marsha temenan same. But, I ngerasain strange things to Marsha. The feeling that I rasain to Marsha, I ... I ... in love with Marsha. I've said to Marsha about this but my feeling, with a lazy tone he always asks me for not nyatain I love him. But, I can not ngilangin I love it to Marsha. "Anyway, I wonder deh Dir." Marsha said broach while on his way to school. "Strange?" "Yeah, I wonder the same Leo. Lo know not? Yesterday he would promise invites me dinner last evening, but instead he semalem ngebatalin his dinner event. Reseh really do not know," she replied with a little lip manyun. "Oh ... He's the one emang so Sha. Like not keep their promises. What lo so do not put the suspicions to him?" I countered. "Dirga, please deh do not begin to make me resentful again in the same lo. And, do not say if Leo affair. I already know I'm bored!" he replied as though I know the purpose. Yes, Leo is the girlfriend Marsha. They've invented about a year. I wonder the same Marsha, why yes he is more than I chose Leo? I'm not loyal, kind and attention to him. Meanwhile, Leo! Guys and junkist playboy who is almost aja die of an overdose. I actually do not agree very Marsha Leo invented the same. I (even almost everyone who knew Leo) Leo Seeing is often really hang out another girl and not infrequently also I look in tandem into losemen Leo, when he was still dating the same Marsha. Why try to get into losemen cuman alone, if not. . . . I do not know, I do not know what his special something Leo kok sampe Marsha really love him. "Elo is not easy to believe the same person omongannya Dir. What they omongin not necessarily correct, right?" "It's up deh elo Sha. Elo want to believe or do, for sure I say this not because of what people say but, I've never been Seeing with my own eyes," "Elo boong Halah ... right? Udah amit wrote, anyways I same will not believe anyone before I look in the eyes of my own head. Lagian elo why do the same until segitunya Leo?! " "It's up to elo. I do not want people who I love disakitin same people who make me kesel," I replied. "What? People who elo love?" Marsha re. "Yes, people who I love, namely you." *** Brukk! Brukk! Brukk! Basketball is my voice loud enough drible. I play basketball more fun on the basketball court during Chemistry class again with my empty my friend's apartment. Already nearly an hour I was engrossed in the hot sun that stung. I ran to Rio who waved his hand telling me to meet him. "What?" I asked with a breath that is still up and down. "Eh, lo tau gak? Semalem, I look in the same Leo entered losemen Tiara, the younger classes." she answered with a whispered tone. "Serious lo?" "Well, I have the heart to ngeboongin elo time anyway?" Emang rada hell I do not believe it at Rio. Because he had people like boong and cocky but, he looks serious it makes me confident and believe if Rio is not the same I lie. "Yes I try to believe the same lo deh, trus ... then?" I asked Rio said continued. "So what?" "Yes, the story continues how can tagu kalo elo Leo again in the same Tiara?" "Semalem, Dinda his return from watching me as I look in Leo's car went into losemen. At first I do not believe the same Dinda Leo but if that car, after the person in the car out I guess Ko. Leo." I'm excited to listen to the story of Leo, "Oh, so yes. Yo, lo know how to do not let Marsha believe if Leo cheating?" I asked asked for input from the Rio, my friend who is kind and not arrogant. "Yes elo dong must speak the truth to him," "I've been having an affair but say if Leo, Marsha do not ever trust me." Shortly afterwards a girl came up to me and Rio. "Hi, in talking about really serious I think hell is hell?" he said as he took tea box. "Uh, elo Sha. Want to know wrote, talking about problems regular guy," said Rio. "Oh ..." Marsha said with a nod. "Uh, Dir Ntar anterin home from school I go to bookstores, yes, I buy a novel mo," adds Marsha. "Okay. With pleasure," I replied. *** Home from school bell rang ten minutes ago. I was in the car waiting for a longer Marsha Leo chatting together. I honestly really jealous look in this scene. I envy Seeing Leo who could kiss the forehead Marsha in front of me, a guy who so admire Marsha. Time runs so fast, I drove my car into a bookstore not far from my school. "Dir, I am very happy today!" she cried with sparkling eyes. Happy. "Seneng why?" I asked in surprise. "Lo know not? Ntar Malem i mo dinner at Leo, then he said sureprise mo so give me the same," I gulped. Damn! Why could still be persuaded by rayuannya Marsha Leo, a guy who is perfect in the eyes of Marsha, "Heh, Marsha, Marsha. Elo tuh not know what to pretend i do not know about? Elo still willing to be persuaded seduction gombalnya Leo wrote. It should be realized Sha elo, Leo was not love at lo, "" Let Dir, do not start deh, "he said on me. "Sha please, I beg the same elo. Believe me the same! Gue friend lo," I firmly. "Friend? What kind of friend who wanted ngehancurin lo my relationship with Leo. What is it called a friend?" said Marsha. Emotion. "Sha, elo should trust me." "Let deh. I'm confused as lo, why the hell elo really say if Leo insists on having an affair?" "Because I love the same lo!" Marsha silent hear my speech. I do not know why I can say that I love with Marsha, a friend of my own. Marsha, sorry if i love you. . . *** Three days later ... "But I already love you Too late for me to go from you to me too good a feeling it was not easy for me away from you ..." HP I rang with the song Love's dilemma as his ringtone. I reached for my HP is in the drawer next to my bed. Visible on the screen display the name of Rio. "Hello!" I said. "Dir, elo where?" Rio asked. "I'm at home emangnya why?" "Dir elo I wait at the hospital," she begged. "The hospital? Emangnya what is it?" I asked in surprise. "Let deh, elo just have to catch me to the hospital. Hurry up!" Rio pleaded and hung up. At 8 evening, I rushed to the hospital. I immediately pulled my car. Fifteen minutes later, I Avansa car entering the hospital grounds. I immediately got out of the car and jogged toward the emergency room. Yes, Rio sent me to the emergency room. I do not know who is sick I do not know. In front of the emergency room I see Rio and Dinda was sitting in the emergency room couch. And there is also seen Tante Agustin, mama Marsha was pacing in front of the emergency room. What is it? "Yo, what's going lo told me come here?" I asked. Curious. "Dir ..." Rio said as if to hold the words that will come out of his mouth. "What is Yo?" I asked again. Rio biting her bottom lip as if reluctant to say anything on me. *** At two o'clock in the morning I sat in a chair next to the bed where someone who I loved lying weak. Marsha. I looked at her pale face with beautiful eyes are still closed. The atmosphere was so quiet. Some people waiting in hospital Marsha seen asleep on the sofa bed in the room where Marsha treated. Sound detectors increasingly loud heartbeat prove that Marsha struggled to stay alive. God ... Marsha Do not You take it from me. I clasped hands and kissed Marsha. I re-spilled tears for the umpteenth time. I remembered the doctor's words last night if Marsha ... Marsha had lost his right leg. Yes, Marsha amputated because of his accident. Marsha car driven at high speed crashed into a truck that was parked at the curb. "Honey, wake up. Elo must tunjukin same time we all kalo lo be present in our midst again. Dear ...." I said, kissing the hands of Marsha. Old. Soon I felt his hand move Marsha. Gratitude. I immediately greeted with a smile. "Marsha, I Dirga this," said I, looking at Marsha's face. His eyes were slightly open. "Leo, do not go out of me," she said with a weak voice. Leo? Why did he mention the name of Leo? Why not Dirga? "Marsha ... It's me, Dirga." I said quietly. "In ... RGA," said Marsha then cry. "Dir, I'm where?" "Elo at Sha Hospital," "Dirga maafin me, I've not believe the same lo," "lo what I mean?" I asked, not everyone knows. "It turns out ... What say elo bener, Dir." he replied accompanied tears coming out of her beautiful eyes. "Which one?" I asked. "I already know everything. Leo emang cheating. ... I look in Leo I kiss the same again Tiara at Leo's house. Leo also tell me if he's not ... she's already in love with me, Dir," I hugged Marsha. "Elo must ngelupain she Sha. He is not worthy for lo," "I do not know Dir, I do not know what I have to do. I can not ngelupain Leo." "Marsha ... Please, go out Leo. Elo must ngedapetin happiness with other people who really love lo. Sha ... origin tau lo, my heart will always be waiting for lo to love me," "Dir ... Please lupain I, do not ever love me again. I can not love the lo. I can not Dir, "" I also can not for ngelupain elo Sha. I've already loved lo, I can not stay away from lo. I'll tried every means to ngerebut liver lo and I will ngelakuin anything for ngebahagiain elo, "" Dir, please stop to loving me... " ~ The End ~ How false myself Until you hurt me so stab me Is this the way you replied to me that there pobud when you hurt me How hinanya Until you spit on everything I give to you Nothing that can make me feel so hurt ... But I already love you Too late for me to go from you to me too good a feeling it was not easy for me away from you Wherever I try every means Tuk happy you won your hearts But not as easy as I imagined If you do not want tuk me by your side I never felt before Wants himself until I could not Believe my heart that I could pass, but I already love you Too late for me to go from you to me too good a feeling it was not easy for me away from you (Dilemmas Love by Oncy un8u)

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Love Story

Dilemma love

Sunny morning. Digital clock on my hands shows six-thirty in the morning, I stopped the car in front of a house painted purple. I pressed the play button on my car tape. Instantly song by Deep Purple Love Dilemma sounded serene. I honked car. Not long later a high school girl by wearing clothes out of the house carrying a briefcase walked, entered my car. "Morning!" I said, turning to a sweet girl who sat next to me. "Morning!" he replied with a little smile that had given to me. "Elo why? Abis cry?" I asked when I saw her eyes swollen. "Yeah. Semalem, my parents fight again, tomorrow the courts will finish with my parents divorce," she replied with a tone of annoyance. I sighed, "The patient ya! I will always be in deket lo, lo not worry." I said. "Thanks," he said simply. His name is Marsha. Princess Marsha Napasha. She was a beautiful girl, nice and cute. I've long friendship with Marsha really. Since, I was a kid until now I tetep Marsha temenan same. But, I ngerasain strange things to Marsha. The feeling that I rasain to Marsha, I ... I ... in love with Marsha. I've said to Marsha about this but my feeling, with a lazy tone he always asks me for not nyatain I love him. But, I can not ngilangin I love it to Marsha. "Anyway, I wonder deh Dir." Marsha said broach while on his way to school. "Strange?" "Yeah, I wonder the same Leo. Lo know not? Yesterday he would promise invites me dinner last evening, but instead he semalem ngebatalin his dinner event. Reseh really do not know," she replied with a little lip manyun. "Oh ... He's the one emang so Sha. Like not keep their promises. What lo so do not put the suspicions to him?" I countered. "Dirga, please deh do not begin to make me resentful again in the same lo. And, do not say if Leo affair. I already know I'm bored!" he replied as though I know the purpose. Yes, Leo is the girlfriend Marsha. They've invented about a year. I wonder the same Marsha, why yes he is more than I chose Leo? I'm not loyal, kind and attention to him. Meanwhile, Leo! Guys and junkist playboy who is almost aja die of an overdose. I actually do not agree very Marsha Leo invented the same. I (even almost everyone who knew Leo) Leo Seeing is often really hang out another girl and not infrequently also I look in tandem into losemen Leo, when he was still dating the same Marsha. Why try to get into losemen cuman alone, if not. . . . I do not know, I do not know what his special something Leo kok sampe Marsha really love him. "Elo is not easy to believe the same person omongannya Dir. What they omongin not necessarily correct, right?" "It's up deh elo Sha. Elo want to believe or do, for sure I say this not because of what people say but, I've never been Seeing with my own eyes," "Elo boong Halah ... right? Udah amit wrote, anyways I same will not believe anyone before I look in the eyes of my own head. Lagian elo why do the same until segitunya Leo?! " "It's up to elo. I do not want people who I love disakitin same people who make me kesel," I replied. "What? People who elo love?" Marsha re. "Yes, people who I love, namely you." *** Brukk! Brukk! Brukk! Basketball is my voice loud enough drible. I play basketball more fun on the basketball court during Chemistry class again with my empty my friend's apartment. Already nearly an hour I was engrossed in the hot sun that stung. I ran to Rio who waved his hand telling me to meet him. "What?" I asked with a breath that is still up and down. "Eh, lo tau gak? Semalem, I look in the same Leo entered losemen Tiara, the younger classes." she answered with a whispered tone. "Serious lo?" "Well, I have the heart to ngeboongin elo time anyway?" Emang rada hell I do not believe it at Rio. Because he had people like boong and cocky but, he looks serious it makes me confident and believe if Rio is not the same I lie. "Yes I try to believe the same lo deh, trus ... then?" I asked Rio said continued. "So what?" "Yes, the story continues how can tagu kalo elo Leo again in the same Tiara?" "Semalem, Dinda his return from watching me as I look in Leo's car went into losemen. At first I do not believe the same Dinda Leo but if that car, after the person in the car out I guess Ko. Leo." I'm excited to listen to the story of Leo, "Oh, so yes. Yo, lo know how to do not let Marsha believe if Leo cheating?" I asked asked for input from the Rio, my friend who is kind and not arrogant. "Yes elo dong must speak the truth to him," "I've been having an affair but say if Leo, Marsha do not ever trust me." Shortly afterwards a girl came up to me and Rio. "Hi, in talking about really serious I think hell is hell?" he said as he took tea box. "Uh, elo Sha. Want to know wrote, talking about problems regular guy," said Rio. "Oh ..." Marsha said with a nod. "Uh, Dir Ntar anterin home from school I go to bookstores, yes, I buy a novel mo," adds Marsha. "Okay. With pleasure," I replied. *** Home from school bell rang ten minutes ago. I was in the car waiting for a longer Marsha Leo chatting together. I honestly really jealous look in this scene. I envy Seeing Leo who could kiss the forehead Marsha in front of me, a guy who so admire Marsha. Time runs so fast, I drove my car into a bookstore not far from my school. "Dir, I am very happy today!" she cried with sparkling eyes. Happy. "Seneng why?" I asked in surprise. "Lo know not? Ntar Malem i mo dinner at Leo, then he said sureprise mo so give me the same," I gulped. Damn! Why could still be persuaded by rayuannya Marsha Leo, a guy who is perfect in the eyes of Marsha, "Heh, Marsha, Marsha. Elo tuh not know what to pretend i do not know about? Elo still willing to be persuaded seduction gombalnya Leo wrote. It should be realized Sha elo, Leo was not love at lo, "" Let Dir, do not start deh, "he said on me. "Sha please, I beg the same elo. Believe me the same! Gue friend lo," I firmly. "Friend? What kind of friend who wanted ngehancurin lo my relationship with Leo. What is it called a friend?" said Marsha. Emotion. "Sha, elo should trust me." "Let deh. I'm confused as lo, why the hell elo really say if Leo insists on having an affair?" "Because I love the same lo!" Marsha silent hear my speech. I do not know why I can say that I love with Marsha, a friend of my own. Marsha, sorry if i love you. . . *** Three days later ... "But I already love you Too late for me to go from you to me too good a feeling it was not easy for me away from you ..." HP I rang with the song Love's dilemma as his ringtone. I reached for my HP is in the drawer next to my bed. Visible on the screen display the name of Rio. "Hello!" I said. "Dir, elo where?" Rio asked. "I'm at home emangnya why?" "Dir elo I wait at the hospital," she begged. "The hospital? Emangnya what is it?" I asked in surprise. "Let deh, elo just have to catch me to the hospital. Hurry up!" Rio pleaded and hung up. At 8 evening, I rushed to the hospital. I immediately pulled my car. Fifteen minutes later, I Avansa car entering the hospital grounds. I immediately got out of the car and jogged toward the emergency room. Yes, Rio sent me to the emergency room. I do not know who is sick I do not know. In front of the emergency room I see Rio and Dinda was sitting in the emergency room couch. And there is also seen Tante Agustin, mama Marsha was pacing in front of the emergency room. What is it? "Yo, what's going lo told me come here?" I asked. Curious. "Dir ..." Rio said as if to hold the words that will come out of his mouth. "What is Yo?" I asked again. Rio biting her bottom lip as if reluctant to say anything on me. *** At two o'clock in the morning I sat in a chair next to the bed where someone who I loved lying weak. Marsha. I looked at her pale face with beautiful eyes are still closed. The atmosphere was so quiet. Some people waiting in hospital Marsha seen asleep on the sofa bed in the room where Marsha treated. Sound detectors increasingly loud heartbeat prove that Marsha struggled to stay alive. God ... Marsha Do not You take it from me. I clasped hands and kissed Marsha. I re-spilled tears for the umpteenth time. I remembered the doctor's words last night if Marsha ... Marsha had lost his right leg. Yes, Marsha amputated because of his accident. Marsha car driven at high speed crashed into a truck that was parked at the curb. "Honey, wake up. Elo must tunjukin same time we all kalo lo be present in our midst again. Dear ...." I said, kissing the hands of Marsha. Old. Soon I felt his hand move Marsha. Gratitude. I immediately greeted with a smile. "Marsha, I Dirga this," said I, looking at Marsha's face. His eyes were slightly open. "Leo, do not go out of me," she said with a weak voice. Leo? Why did he mention the name of Leo? Why not Dirga? "Marsha ... It's me, Dirga." I said quietly. "In ... RGA," said Marsha then cry. "Dir, I'm where?" "Elo at Sha Hospital," "Dirga maafin me, I've not believe the same lo," "lo what I mean?" I asked, not everyone knows. "It turns out ... What say elo bener, Dir." he replied accompanied tears coming out of her beautiful eyes. "Which one?" I asked. "I already know everything. Leo emang cheating. ... I look in Leo I kiss the same again Tiara at Leo's house. Leo also tell me if he's not ... she's already in love with me, Dir," I hugged Marsha. "Elo must ngelupain she Sha. He is not worthy for lo," "I do not know Dir, I do not know what I have to do. I can not ngelupain Leo." "Marsha ... Please, go out Leo. Elo must ngedapetin happiness with other people who really love lo. Sha ... origin tau lo, my heart will always be waiting for lo to love me," "Dir ... Please lupain I, do not ever love me again. I can not love the lo. I can not Dir, "" I also can not for ngelupain elo Sha. I've already loved lo, I can not stay away from lo. I'll tried every means to ngerebut liver lo and I will ngelakuin anything for ngebahagiain elo, "" Dir, please stop to loving me... " ~ The End ~ How false myself Until you hurt me so stab me Is this the way you replied to me that there pobud when you hurt me How hinanya Until you spit on everything I give to you Nothing that can make me feel so hurt ... But I already love you Too late for me to go from you to me too good a feeling it was not easy for me away from you Wherever I try every means Tuk happy you won your hearts But not as easy as I imagined If you do not want tuk me by your side I never felt before Wants himself until I could not Believe my heart that I could pass, but I already love you Too late for me to go from you to me too good a feeling it was not easy for me away from you (Dilemmas Love by Oncy un8u)

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